viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

Tools for measuring lengths

We will talk about the most common tools for measuring lengths, which are tools that you surely know since they are commonly used in many tasks or jobs where we need to calculate distances:

  • Tape measures or flexometers

Tape measures or flexometers are measuring instruments that consist of a flexible and graduated tape with the units of measure and their divisions.
This tape is usually a thin sheet of steel, aluminum, plastic, or fiberglass. In most cases, the tape can be rolled up, making it easy to transport.
                            Resultado de imagen de cinta metrica   Resultado de imagen de cinta metrica

  • Sonic distance meters (electronic ultrasound meters)

distanciometro sonico stanley estimatorSonic distance meters are electronic measuring instruments that consist of calculating the distance from the sound propagation speed principle.

To measure distances, these distance meters emit an ultrasound inaudible by the human ear. The wave bounces off the measurement obstacle and returns to the same distance meter, which also functions as a receiver. Depending on the elapsed time, the meter determines the distance on the basis that the speed of sound is more or less stable.

  • Laser distance meters (electronic laser meters)

Laser distance meters are electronic measuring instruments that consist of calculating the distance from the phase measurement principle of pulsed light.

To measure distances, laser diodes emit a light signal. From here, the distance meter calculates the time it takes for the light signal to go back and forth. From this data, the distance is calculated, since the speed of light is constant.
        Resultado de imagen de distanciometro laserResultado de imagen de distanciometro laser

Resultado de imagen de topometro
  • Topometers
A topometer is a measuring instrument that consists of calculating the distance traveled. This is done using a wheel, which calculates the distance traveled from the number of turns of the wheel and its perimeter.

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